
Learning About The Nonprofit Podcasting


The podcasting industry has blown up in the last decade to include people looking to be entertained, educated or involved in activism.

Look at some key aspects about nonprofit podcasting that you need to know.

Launching a nonprofit podcast shares similarities with any other podcast endeavor. Notwithstanding the above, nonprofits should take into account their tax-exempt status and ensure program topics complement existing initiatives. The point is that such goals should be in agreement with the non profit organization’s long term goals. The most important stage then is to prepare an editorial calendar and content plan that will continuously correspond to these goals.

A major advantage of nonprofit organizations going into podcasting is that the cost of audio equipment has fallen dramatically over the past few years. A basic podcast setup consisting of a couple of microphones, headphones, editing software, and hosting platforms can now be accomplished within a reasonable budget. Extensive online resources offer recommendations on affordable equipment suitable for nonprofits venturing into podcasting for the first time.

Reaching your target audience effectively implies that you are consistent and creative in distributing your non-profitable podcasts. If you go further, it involves having endorsements from influential individuals, promoting through niche publications, partnering with closely related NGOs and experimenting on social media advertising techniques.

Tracking the metrics of a podcast is an important investment for non-profit podcast with limited budgets as it helps in determining their return on investment and resource allocation. Therefore, one of the most distinct metrics is listening data such as episode downloads.  Though revenue generation is not the main objective of most non-profit organizations’ podcasts, a properly produced show can still indirectly contribute to its fundraising objectives and awareness campaigns.

Standard options for those interested in direct monetization include inviting listeners to donate, seeking limited sponsorships, or utilizing platforms that offer ongoing support from dedicated fans. Any sponsorship relationship must align explicitly with the mission and values of the nonprofit organization.

Podcasts are easily the most flexible of all audio mediums. Non-profit organizations have found success by using interviews to showcase customer testimonials, telling stories about certain projects or events, explaining investigative journalism that is related to what they support, and call-in shows to give a voice to the community. What matters most is that the production quality is flawless in order to maintain a balance between passion and compassion for the organization.

Involving passionate volunteers in creating long-form podcasts strengthens communities and alleviates the workload of nonprofit staff members. Strategies for attracting volunteers include incorporating guest presenters on a rotating basis, establishing listening groups for constructive feedback exchange, creating roles for volunteer associate producers, and engaging pro bono assistance from media professionals who champion the cause. When dealing with non-profit volunteers, it is important to establish transparent processes as well as manage expectations about roles, levels of participation and time commitment.


Nonprofits, driven by unwavering passion and focus on their causes, have embarked on podcasting journeys that offer new avenues to disseminate their message and attract supporters. Podcasts demand time and resources from the staff, however they offer non-profit organizations more chances for storytelling and better ways of connecting to their localities.

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