
8 Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts


Brussels sprouts are named after the vegetable’s origins in Belgium. Cauliflower, kale, broccoli, cabbage, collard greens, and bok choy are cousins of sprouts, which belong to the cruciferous vegetable family.

According to MedlinePlus, Brussels sprouts are nutrient powerhouses, providing a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and a little extra plant protein. They’re also low in calories, with only 75 calories per cup. 

How to Cook Brussels Sprouts in a Delicious Way?

Oven roasting Brussels sprouts is one of the most delicious ways to eat them. To begin, slice or quarter your Brussels sprouts and lightly toss in extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, sea salt, and black pepper. Then bake at 400°F for 30 to 40 minutes, or until the outer leaves are golden and slightly crisp. They can also be shaved and added to salads, or they can be skewered whole and grilled. Sautéed, shaved Brussels sprouts can also be used as a bed for lean protein, such as salmon or lentils. Alternatively, add them to omelets, stir-fries, and soups. There are numerous delicious ways to enjoy and incorporate Brussels sprouts into your diet.

Here are a few compelling reasons to incorporate them into your daily diet.

High in nutrients

Brussels sprouts are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals while being low in calories.

Here are some of the key nutrients found in 1/2 cup (78 grams) cooked Brussels sprouts:

  • 28 calories
  • 2 gram protein
  • 5.5 grams Carbohydrates
  • 2 grams fiber
  • 91% of the Daily Value for Vitamin K (DV)
  • 53% of the DV for vitamin C
  • Folate: 12% of the daily value

Rich in antioxidants

Brussels sprouts have numerous health benefits, but their high antioxidant content is particularly noteworthy. Brussels sprouts are high in antioxidants, which are compounds that promote overall health and help prevent cell damage.

Eating Brussels sprouts as part of a fruit and vegetable-rich diet can help supply the antioxidants your body requires to maintain good health.

High in fiber

1/2 cup cooked Brussels sprouts has 2 grams of fiber. Fiber is important for your health, and including a sufficient amount in your diet provides numerous health benefits.

According to research, dietary fiber can help relieve constipation by increasing stool frequency and softening stool consistency to make passage easier.

Increased fiber consumption has also been linked to other health benefits, such as a lower risk of heart disease.

Current guidelines recommend 14 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories consumed per day. A person who needs 2,000 calories per day, for example, should consume 28 grams of fiber. Consuming Brussels sprouts alongside other fiber-rich foods such as other vegetables, fruits, and whole grains can help you meet your fiber requirements.

Rich in vitamin K

Brussels sprouts are a good source of vitamin K. This vital nutrient is essential to your body. 

It is required for coagulation, the formation of blood clots that stop bleeding. Vitamin K may also play a role in bone growth and may help protect against osteoporosis, a condition characterized by progressive bone loss. It’s especially important to get enough vitamin K if you’re on blood thinners. As a result, you should limit your intake of vitamin K-rich foods like Brussels sprouts.

However, for most people who are not on this type of medication, increasing vitamin K intake may result in numerous health benefits.

May aid in the maintenance of healthy blood sugar levels

Brussels sprouts may help keep blood sugar levels stable, in addition to their impressive nutrient profile and long list of health benefits.

A higher intake of cruciferous vegetables, including Brussels sprouts, has been linked to a lower risk of diabetes in multiple studies. This is most likely due to Brussels sprouts’ high fiber content, which aids in blood sugar regulation.

Contain ALA omega-3 fatty acids

Eating enough omega-3 fatty acids can be difficult for those who do not consume fish or seafood. Plant foods only contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid that your body utilizes less efficiently than omega-3 fats found in fish and seafood. This is due to the fact that your body must convert ALA to more active forms of omega-3 fatty acids, which it can only do in limited quantities. As a result, you may need to consume more ALA to meet your daily omega-3 needs than you would if you got your omega-3 fats from fish or seafood.

Including a few servings of Brussels sprouts in your diet once a week may help.

Omega-3 fatty acids may help with heart health and brain function. They are also important for the health of your immune system, lungs, and blood vessels.

May reduce inflammation

Although inflammation is a normal immune response, it can contribute to diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. As previously stated, Brussels sprouts are high in antioxidants, which can help neutralize free radicals, which can cause inflammation.

A diet high in cruciferous vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, may reduce inflammation and the risk of developing pro-inflammatory diseases.

High in vitamin C

Every cooked 1/2 cup of Brussels sprouts contains 48 mg of vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for tissue growth and repair in the body. It also serves as an antioxidant, aids in the production of proteins such as collagen, and may even boost immunity.

Many fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C, but Brussels sprouts are one of the best vegetable sources. Even one or two servings of Brussels sprouts a few times a week can help you meet your vitamin C requirements.

Brussels sprouts are a nutritious addition to any diet and are simple to incorporate into side dishes and main courses.

They are frequently roasted, boiled, sautéed, or baked. Trim the ends of the Brussels sprouts for a quick side dish. Toss the sprouts with olive oil, salt, and pepper before roasting them on a baking sheet until crispy. For a flavorful and nutritious dinner, add Brussels sprouts to pasta dishes, frittatas, or stir-fries.

Author Bio:

Hi, I’m Rana and I blog at My passion for food began very early in my life. And after managing a cafe, a granola business and helping other food businesses scale up, I found my true calling in creating wonderful recipes so that everyone can enjoy cooking as much as I do! Don’t forget to follow me on my social channels- instagram and pinterest.


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